Dansk Rorschach Selskab afholder sin XI Internationale Workshop torsdag den 20.-fredag den 21. November 2025. Begge dage kl. 9.30-16.30.
Psykolog, Psy.D. James H. Kleiger og Ph.D Ali Khadivi, USA, leder en 2dages Workshop om Rorschach and Disturbed thinking
Vi afholder DRS’ X internationale Workshop med Psy.D. James H. Kleiger og Ph.D Ali Khadivi som oplægsholdere. Mange deltog i Jims precongress workshop ved Verdenskongressen i København, og vi har bedt ham uddybe emnet sammen med sin faste makker, Ali Khadivi. Jim og Ali er kendt som glimrende undervisere, der har beskæftiget sig med Rorschach og forstyrret tænkning i hele deres karriere. Begge har gennem mange år udgivet adskillige bøger og artikler om emnet, se litteraturlisten nedenfor. Jim Kleiger har tillige skrevet flere novels, bl.a. ’The 11th Inkblot”.
Workshoppen foregår på Hotel Phoenix, Bredgade 37, 1260 København K. Begge dage kl. 9.30-16.30. Pris for medlemmer af Dansk Rorschach Selskab 5400 kr., for ikke medlemmer 5900 kr. Inkluderet i kursusafgiften er morgenkaffe, frokost samt frugt/kaffe/kage i løbet af dagen. Vi vil arrangere en kongresdinner torsdag aften, som man kan melde sig til. Udgiften til kongresdinner er ikke en del af kursusafgiften.
Bindende tilmelding sker ved at indbetale kursusafgiften til Selskabets bankkonto i Danske Bank, 9570 – 11879489 med angivelse af navn, emailadresse og mærket ’Jim og Ali 2025’. Man kan stole på sin indbetaling, hvis beløbet bliver fratrukket ens konto, vi sender ikke bekræftelse på indbetaling ud. Der er begrænset antal pladser, først til mølle-princippet.
Tilmeldingsfrist 18. oktober 2025.
Se mere udførlig beskrivelse af workshoppen i nedenstående beskrivelse:
Copenhagen, Denmark November 20 & 21, 2025
James H. Kleiger, Psy.D., ABPP, ABAP
Ali Khadivi, Ph.D., ABAP
Through lectures and case examples, this two-day, Intermediate-Advanced level workshop highlights the unique contributions of the Rorschach Test in identifying and understanding forms and degrees of disordered thinking and related psychotic phenomena. In this workshop, the Comprehensive System-Revised (CS-R) is used as a touchstone for studying disordered thinking on the Rorschach, but, when appropriate, other evidence-based systems, like the TDI and R-PAS, are discussed as well. The workshop includes updated information on:
- A conceptual understanding of psychotic phenomena and disordered thinking, distinguishing between psychotic states, psychotic signs and symptoms (using ICD-11 as a reference), psychotic-like experiences, psychotic disorders, and psychotic structures,
(2) Clinical diagnosis and understanding psychotic dimensions across a continuum of severity. Though we are more interested in the phenomenology of psychosis (e.g., internal experiences and psychological/ego functioning), as opposed to descriptive symptomology, it is important to review major approaches to diagnosis and understanding diverse psychotic conditions,
(3) Assessing prodromal states, at-risk conditions, and emerging psychosis,
(4) Conceptual and empirical approaches to understanding Rorschach Special Scores in psychotic and non-psychotic individuals,
(5) Understanding disturbances in thinking, delusions and hallucinations in a forensic and multicultural, and
(6) The psychological assessment of bipolar spectrum disorders, with special attention to the role of the Rorschach in differential diagnosis.
We provide an overview of the phenomenology of psychosis, providing updated information on (1) what constitutes a psychotic state, (2) diagnostic controversies regarding the usefulness and limitations of formal diagnostic categories vs symptom dimensions occurring across a continuum of severity from normalcy to psychotic impairment, (3) past and present approaches to the Rorschach assessment of disordered thinking and disrupted communication, (4) understanding the presence of elevated Special Scores in non-psychotic and non-psychiatric respondents, and (5) assessing delusions, hallucinations, and extreme beliefs in forensic and multicultural context and distinguishing core features of psychosis from conspiracy theories.
There continues to be keen interest in the early detection and intervention with patients considered at high risk for transitioning to psychosis. We focus clinical signs and symptoms, controversies, and assessment approaches with subthreshold psychotic phenomena. We discuss the strengths and limitations of Rorschach methods in assessing at-risk states.
We turn to assessment issues related to bipolar spectrum conditions, including a review of key diagnostic concepts, controversies, and methods of inquiry. We focus on (1) non-manic markers that signal an underlying bipolar diathesis in depressed individuals, annd (3) assessment methods, particularly the Rorschach, in differential the differential diagnosis of BSD, borderline personality, trauma spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, ADHD, and drug/substance-induced bipolar disorders
Presentation of several cases with one invited presentation by a participant (arranged beforehand)
- Presentation of Case 1 (Schizophrenia, Adult): 40 minutes
- Presentation of Case 2 (Bipolar Spectrum, Adolescent): 40 minutes
- Presentation of Case 3 (Psychosis Risk): 40 minutes
- Presentation of Case 4: 40 minutes (Invited presentation by a workshop participant, arranged beforehand)
James Kleiger. A native of Colorado and graduate of Harvard University, Dr. Kleiger is a psychologist psychoanalyst and writer. He completed postdoctoral training at The Menninger Clinic in Topeka, KS, and eventually became Training Director of the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. While at Menninger, he completed his psychoanalytic training at the Topeka Institute for Psychoanalysis. After moving to Bethesda, MD, Dr. Kleiger served as President of the Washington Baltimore Society for Psychoanalysis and developed a private practice in psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic therapy, and psychological assessment. He has presented widely, published over 50 articles, authored and edited five professional books and two novels – Disordered Thinking and The Rorschach, 1999 (Analytic Press), followed by Assessing Psychosis, A Clinician’s Guide, 2015 (Routledge, coauthored with Ali Khadivi and a Second Edition, 2024 (Routledge), Rorschach Assessment of Psychotic Phenomena, 2017 (Routledge), Psychological Assessment of Disordered Thinking & Perception, 2021 and Psychological Assessment of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders, 2023 (APA Books, coedited with Irving Weiner). In 2020, Dr. Kleiger published his debut novel, The 11th Inkblot (IP Books). His second novel Tears Are Only Water (James Kleiger, PC) was published in 2023.
Ali Khadivi. Since 1991, Dr. Khadivi has been dedicated to practicing clinical and forensic psychology. He is a board-certified assessment psychologist and a Society for Personality Assessment fellow. Additionally, he is a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, New York. Dr. Khadivi has conducted multiple national and international workshops on evaluating psychiatric disorders. He is recognized as an expert in clinical and forensic psychology by the courts in New York State. Dr. Khadivi has also been an expert consultant for numerous institutions on clinical and forensic case evaluations. He has written extensively and presented internationally, lecturing on the assessment of psychosis. Dr. Khadivi has written numerous book chapters on clinical interviewing techniques in assessing psychosis and bipolar disorders. He is co-author with Dr. Kleiger on Assessing Psychosis, 2015 (Routledge) and leading author with Dr. Kleiger on the Second Edition of Assessing Psychosis, released in 2024 by Routledge.
- Khadivi, A. and Kleiger, J. H. (2024). Assessing Psychosis, A Clinician’s Guide. Second Edition, New York: Routledge
- Mihura, J. L., Kleiger, J. H., and Khadivi, A. Multimethod Assessment of Psychosis and Psychotic Phenomena, in J. L. Mihura (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology Assessment, Oxford, In Press.
- Kleiger, J. H. and B. Weiner (Eds.). (2023). The Psychological Assessment of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders Washington, DC: APA.
- Prudent, C., Kleiger, J. H., Husain, O., & De Tychey, C (2022). On Psychosis: An International Comparative Single Case Study of the Nancy French, Lausanne, and American Rorschach Approaches.Rorschachiana, 43(1), 42–69.
- Kleiger, J. H. and Mihura, J. L. (2021). Rorschach Assessment of Disordered Thinking and Communication. Rorschachiana, 42(2), 265–280.
- Weiner, I. B. & Kleiger, J. H. (Eds.). (2021). The Psychological Assessment of Disordered Thinking and Perception. Washington, DC: APA.
- Kleiger, J. H. (2018) When Wolves Fall from the Sky: Rorschach Assessment of Emerging Psychosis in an Adolescent. In Greg Meyer & Joni Mihura (Eds.) Using the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS). New York: Wiley.
- Kleiger, J.H. (2017). Rorschach Assessment of Psychotic Phenomena. Essex: Routledge
- Kleiger, J. H. and Khadivi, A. (2015). Assessing Psychosis, A Clinician’s Guide. New York: Routledge.
- Kleiger, J. H. (2003). Disordered Thinking and Projective Testing. In M. Hilsenroth, et. al. (Eds.) The Handbook of Projective Psychological Assessment. New York: Wiley.
- Kleiger, J.H. (1999). Disordered Thinking and The Rorschach. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.